Just recently finished watching an American web series WARRIOR NUN based on the comic book character “Warrior Nun- Areala” by Ben Dunn. This show revolves around fantasy, drama and supernatural things. This show stars Alba Baptista, Thekla Reuten, Tristan Ulloa, Toya Turner, Lorena Andrea, Kristina Tonteri and created by Simon Barry. It’s a Netflix Original series which tells us the story about a 19-year old girl Ava Silva, a Tetraplegic orphan who discovers she now has supernatural powers which force her to join an ancient order of warrior nuns. *Tetraplegic – also known as Quadriplegia , is paralysis caused by illness or injury that results in the partial or total loss of use of all four limbs and torso. It does not affect the arms. The episodes of the show are all named according to the Holy Bible verses, for example ‘Psalm 46:5’. Warrior nun follows an old, secluded morgue and a dead body of a 19 yr old girl named Ava. Her dead body was brought from an orphanage to the mo...
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